Floorball & Merdeka Cup 2019.

heyyy, 0323 of 13th sept 2019! ok what is Merdeka Cup actually? lemme give you some explanation eh. Merdeka Cup is a Cup or also meant as a National Cup in between 14 states in Malaysia. interesting? haha yea ofc! to be in a state team as a state player is actually really a honorable moment fr me. yelah, we have to compete with each other to make it into the state team kot! ok for me, im representing Kuala Lumpur. fr 2yrs already. hm bfr that aku pernah wakil negeri lain jugak. masatu 2017, aku wakil negeri tempat aku membesar, which issss Negeri Sembilan! ha, kenapa tak keep playing there? ceritanya begini....

aku start main Floorball masa aku umur 18 tahun, start masuk uniten dulu, akhir tahun ((sem 2)) baru aku start main. memula roommate aku join dulu, tak terasa pun nak main natang tu sebab im not a Sport person actually hahahahaha. so wat donno jela bila member duk bz malam malam training. sampaila satu masatu seruan dtang hahahahaha. saja nak pi usya member duk main sukan apa pastu rasa cam menarik lak. so aku decide utk start bersukan dgn floorball setelah berkali kali member ajak dtang training. first tournament kitorang adalah Floorball Houz. ni skali je seumur hidup dah takde dah haha. floorball houz ni best sebab dia campur dengan club team dari negeri lain takdela satu negeri jekan pishangggg... okla since aku masuk uniten so aku masukla club uniten yang diberi nama UNITEN VENOMS ataupon Venoms. macam macam benda jadik bermula dari nak cari players, nak decide nama team, logo etc sampaila join Liga. liga yang kami masuk adalah Liga Kuala Lumpur. aik, uniten kat bangi tapi kenapa masuk liga KL? awat tak masuk Liga Selangor? haaa ni nak habaq.

floorball ni complicated, dia tak macam sukan lain. sebabkan kami komuniti yang kecil so bila pemegangan club ni susah nak diagihkan. club kat msia ni taklah bnyak mana masa aku start main tu. mostly club kat penang bnyakla hahah masa aku start main ni, kitorang uniten dipantau oleh club iukl. y? yela baru berjinak jinak kan, kenala ada orang ajar. so coach kami pun asal dari iukl. 3 coaches iaitu coach AmirNaqiuddin, AmirZee dan coach Ayish. sebabkan iukl yang lead kami, so kami kena ikut jejak langkah iukl. club iukl ni dah tubuh agak lama sikitla dari kami. so dorang dah ada basic lebihla dari kami. dorang memang dah dftar dengan kl dari awal. kl dengan selangor tak orait so that bergaduh sikit bab2 club ni. disebabkan coach kami drpd iukl, so kami pun kenala masuk kl. which means liga kami adalah Liga Kuala Lumpur.

Liga ni semorang tahu kan mcm mana? perlawanan antara club² in certain state. contoh mcm liga kl, so club2 kl lah yang akan compete each other. motifnya? sebab nak tau ranking the club dalam negeri tersebut. sooo first year liga kami masuk adalah 2017. 2nd runner up. yay, beat GMi. 3rd of 4th. oklakan hahahaha. 2nd year, 2018, lost to everyone ((bad performance bcs of the lack of training,fitness low,fullsize court & gt last place so need to downgrade to Division 2)). eh turun div pun tarahal. comebck strunger bruh ✊✊. 2019, 3rd year league. champ of Division 2 KL league. so far so guuuudd except that i cannot join the league till the end bcs im involved in unserious accident hahahaha. but nvm, managed to get my name on the scoreboard list goals hohohoho ((num 3 ok what - issa big achievement fr me, yay!)). so thats it.

Merdeka Cup this year was hosted by Selangor. well, the venue is so-so. boring . yelah, intervarsity kat situ, tarcup kat situ, alahai court takdela best mana hm. tapi takpela atleast besarla jugak. huhu. sooo, the venue is at The Rubix, Puchong. well i must say that it was the boring team ever. what i can say is, im just enjoying the game, not as a team, but as individual. yea i knw im not supposed to feel that way but that's what happening there. everyone trying to impress everyone. everyone wanna show how "great" they are. everyone wanna let the team see what they are capable of. bullshit. its all bullshit. bcs its all happened bcs of EGO. everyone are egoistic & cant accept the truth.

BUT luckily, i gt my friends and my club teammates selected for representing Kuala Lumpur 2019. yay! it was a great experience actually to be having my teammates around for level negeri  heheh, kudos to Uniten Floorball, Uniten StormV for getting most of the scores for KL lol. takdela bukan nak riak tapi tula, other players yang from another club all downgrade us sebab we from Division 2 en, padahal we train harder than them and respect coach kot takpernah pun bergurau or gelak or lawan cakap coach KL while training but them? always malas nak buat itu ini, fitness pun malas. adeh. parah parah 臘‍♀️. barai team KL 2019 masani. total selected players ada 20 orang. kot?? lupa ah hahah. so dalam team tu ada club from StormV ((we)), Fennec Blitz, IUKL Ravens, Red Phoenix ((semua club yang main liga KL)). ala biasalah main sports, girl pula tu,, mesti ada isu puak puak en. lagipun state player, ada club memasing so memasing lepak ngn club memasing je. teruk ah bonding masani. sedih actually sebab we uniten player tried so hard to fit in and be one with them tapi dorang ditch us sebab rasa cam kitorang AcAh bAguZ 辰 ah whatevs, alhamdulillahla, allah nak tunjuk memang yang perform yang teraniaya hahah. bnyak sngat cakap belakang sepanjang training and games. plus, one more fun fact; we uniten masatu tengah final exam bhai. we sacrificed our finals to join the Cup but no one appreciate us, including coach. watdehek. luckily we uniten players all gt each other. we motivate each other and support one another ((sportsmanship padu!!)) hahah so im rly kinda lucky to hv theirs in my life and in that tournament bcs w/o them, i might be koyak all the time and cant play well bcs the other teammates ((frm other clubs)) keep talking trash to me  bzbzbzbzbz. whatevs. senanye nak cite benda ni pun sakit hati so malas nak elaborate pepanjang. cukup ah ni heheh just for appreciation post; me will always choose StormV till i die!!! walaupon dah habis belajar bcs i am destined to be there eceh HAHAHAHA. plus mana ada team lain dalam kl yang main floorball cara floorball, semua mostly main cam hoki, boring 辰 hahah kla ni je nak bebel. ciaooooo. hopefully tahun depan ada MC lagila. tapi dah gemuk  huhu takpela nnti pikir cane nak kurus HAHA KBYE GAESS 


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