
heyyy. new url. new life. new seb. yeahh ;) i hope im not gonna be sad anymore. i wishhhh :D ohoho btw , let me stoli stoli somethg. hohohoh firshhhly , bulan 9 nty ad kem perdana weeeeehoooo harap2 laa takde agenda ppe msetu. plishh plishhh nak pegi sgt T.T aku rindu suasane kem wuuuu v.v srsly >< lg2 laa kan kem nie dgn sume bdan unifom smkdms ohoho so , i wish ....... will be going too ^^ ohmaii this camp gonna be awesomeeee !! i hope soooo... but srsly i miss kemRI kor kadet polis 2013 T.T i wish i can go nextyr but....... :'((( SPM ! dushh hate it ! ><

sekenlyyyy , lawatan again ! hiyeayyyyyy imma barbie gurl , live in barbie worlddd *mepek -..- huhuh lawatan to Cameron Highlands. hoyeahhh ! eventho takde tmpat mnarik kat sane , aku ttap nak pegi sbb aku nak pnjat gunung berinchang ! rayyy cite mcm best ohh , dahlaa aku suke gila babun gorilla jebon -..- bnde2 adventure nih ohoho xx harap takpengsan tnga jlan xP lg satu , aku happy sbb..... syafiq nak ajak aiman wiwiwowuuuu *buat bunyik aneh* ohoh bukan tuje , acap , syafiq dong pon ahahahhah lg2 laaaa kewushh aku pongg pegi weee mmg happy gila lahkannn :'3 but i wish kalini aku dpat pegi.... nak sgt pegi weh T.T pray for me v.v i want to go there w/ friends ! mesti ohhhhsemmmmm lepak dgn kgkwan dkat tmpat sejuk centu pehh lpastu singgah air panas pe sume tuu walawehhhh taktau nak ckap pe laa sbb happy gila nak mati sesgt nih :3 ahahahah klaa tuu jelaa kott :3 heee btw i just talk to .... td :3 ngee , act kan .. aku rase dia dah laen laa skrg :'( dulu everytime tsrempak mst dye babai aku. skrg dah tak dah :'/ takpe laa , huhuh smpai sini jelahh yee. assalamualaikum :'*


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